Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hard to Believe....

This is just crazy, how is it possible that this little boy is ready to go on a mission. It's official, my oldest nephew Chase (Jen's son) just got his mission call and is going to.... Neuquen, Argentina!!! I'm so proud of him and excited for the amazing experience he's going to have. I was in 10th grade when Chaser was born and as my friends all know I was so excited to be an aunt for the 1st time (and have to say equally as excited and proud of the other 22!!) Anyway, I was even more excited for Chaser knowing that he was going to the mission that was just a hop, skip and a jump over the Andes from mine and for knowing the Pulley Spanish tradition lives on, except for Mitch w/his Italian, but close enough right? :)

Congrats Chaser!! We are all so happy and proud of you!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow! Kim! Where does time go? Isn't Chase like 9 or something!!!??? Congrats to him and to his beautiful mom and, of course, to you for being such a great Auntie!!