Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!!

so, as I'm sitting here missing my fam on this day, thought I would do something a little more productive and write some of the things I love about my dad. happy father's day dad!!

*i love my dad's frugal ways and thrill of a good deal. this has definitely been passed down, you guys know it has, as much as we laugh about saying "guess what i got and it was only 7.99!" , we know deep down how excited we are to score such a deal.

*his love for adventure and the many adventures he's had that i'm still finding out to this day. i love that my dad was willing to take us kids along on business trips and showing us the sights that i'm sure he had seen a million times, but making it seem like it was all new to him.

*his amazing sense of direction. i'm not kidding, it's eery, he could be in any city, anywhere and find his way around. well, let's not be too generous,there's always san antonio :) really though, this must be a gene that skips a generation, b/c i defnitely did not inherit this.

*his ability to roll with the punches and to accept challenges as they come without complaining

*my dad has the memory of an elephant. no lie! he can remember the most out of the way facts from years ago like it was yesterday. he is smart and i mean walking textbook smart. i think that's what made travel with him so fun. it was so cool hearing all the stories of history from my dad, almost like having your own personal tour guide.

*his many ways of saying i love you. whether it's asking how the car is running, how it feels to have another day off (which he constantly reminds me of), or just saying it straight, i know my dad loves me and i love him.

onto, another subject, figured while i'm on a roll, i'll keep on going. so i hit up 2 movies this weekend. to celebrate our last staff mtg., my friends janet and judy and i went to see "UP!" don't want to give away the plot, but just have to say it's a must see. weird, b/c i'm not real big into the animation movies, but this one was so cute and different than i expected, i even cried in it! there are some great quotables in it and i just loved the message.

then my friend margaret and i went to see "the proposal" last night. i really liked it, funny and plus what's not to like about a good romance and with ryan reynolds, (even better). plus, i went into it with no expectations which always helps. kind of like with dating recently, but that's a different story. but the most embarrassing part of the night happened during the previews. so, this preview comes on for this really freaky horror movie and i absolutely cannot stand scary movies, so i was looking down trying to not listen b/c those things just stick in my head and the music was getting scarier and louder, when all of a sudden this man tried to cross to pass in front of me to get to another seat and i totally shook and screamed a little bit, b/c he came out of nowhere, couldn't even see him in my peripheral vision and it just caught me off guard! well, the poor guy, he was this cute little old man and he ended up turning around and going into another row instead. i felt so bad, but he left so quick didn't have time to explain.

1 comment:

Kim P. Edwards said...

I'm so glad I got to read your post. It made me smile. : ) I just saw "Up" last week too and I loved it sooo much. I'm glad you cried because I did too! It was so fun to read those things about your dad. My favorite memory of him is when he called me to tell me that I couldn't live in the dorms at BYU - I don't remember all the details, but he made it very believable - it was the best prank!