A couple of nights ago some friends and I had the chance to go and hear Temple Grandin speak at UCLA. For those who don't know, she is an animal science expert who has worked to promote more humane treatment of animals within the slaughterhouses, etc... (kind of a contradiction I know) and she happens to have high functioning Autism. Since a lot of the kids I work with have Autism, I always think it's interesting to hear what's happening in the Autism world, especially first hand. There was recently a movie made about her starring Claire Danes and let me just say the portrayal was spot on....cowboy shirt, belt buckle and all. She is quirky as she readily admits and funny without even trying to be, but I just loved what she had to say. When she was younger, they didn't have a lot of the therapies and treatment readily available as they do today. She talked about how important the influence of her Mom and other teachers in her life were to her and being exposed to many different things so that she could develop these talents into a career. Pretty impressive considering the doctors told her mother to put her into an institution, that she would most likely be non verbal and dependent on others. She definitely proved them wrong!
At one point she was talking about how she wishes that Autism wasn't the first thing people thought about a person when they met them, but instead focused on their interests and what makes each individual special. At one point she said "The world needs all different kinds of minds to work together to achieve great things". It's funny, I don't think I ever set out to work with kids with disabilities, but felt like I just kind of arrived at it, but as I have worked with them, they have taught me more about breaking through stereotypes: each one is so different-some are affectionate, feisty, playful, literal, stubborn, happy, full of random facts, etc..., but more than anything I've seen that they are just kids. Every Friday when I get to work, there is one kiddo who I just adore who is 5 and constantly has a smile on his face, no matter what happens. He always comes up and gives me the biggest hug ever, pressing his cheek to mine. Those are the times when I think, I'm pretty lucky to do what I do.
Sounds interesting and fun! That movie is on my netflix queue. I can't wait to see it.
Yeah, we just watched Opra this week on being vegan, or veganish and they showed a slaughter house that was designed by her. The way it was designed was to calm down the cows and make them feel safe until the very last second. I guess she can see it from the cows point of view. She isn't able to do the same for chickens though.
And the kids are so lucky to have you! I've read about Temple Grandin, and think it's so cool you actually got to see her!
I saw her sitting with Claire Danes at the Golden Globes. I was wondering what her story was!! Now I'm gonna have to rent the movie.
How cool that you got to meet her! :)
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