Saturday, June 18, 2011

Good times, good friends...

My cute friend Kim and her darling daughter Brooklyn came out for a Girl's weekend to L.A. and stopped by to see me. We never have enough time together! I was so sad to see them go.

My friend Cara and I went to an L.A. Galaxy game (our major league soccer team). So fun!!! I love going to them. It's just a fun crowd of people and the perfect amount of time to catch the action. Too funny though, so at the Home Depot Center, where the games are held, every seat is a good one, but I happened to bring my mini binoculars. Of course I didn't need them, but pulled them out anyway and must've looked like a total stalker taking in the "scenery" on the benches :).

Our ward had a Lasagne Throwdown activity a la Bobby Flay from the Food Network. It was really fun, there were 3 categories: store bought, vegetarian and traditional. My friend had asked if I would be a judge and asked all 5 of us judges to dress "Italian mafia style". Let me tell you, it's ridiculous how much I stressed over what to wear. In the end, I borrowed a wig from my friend Janet, ran to Goodwill to pick up an Italian looking shirt, put it with a skirt and pointy heels. Bonus, I'll totally wear the shirt again, probably not the wig :)

1 comment:

Kammy T said...

You are so cute! I love your Italian mafia look! What a fun activity!