Monday, April 28, 2008

I love visitors!!

Being in California does have its perks and one of them is it's a fun place to visit. What a great month of visitors! The end of March, my sister Amber came out to visit, the next week my friend Joni came out and 2 weeks later my friend Kim came out, all from S.L.

Here's a little sampling of some things we did: went to the beach, went hiking up to the Hollywood sign, went to the National Cemetery (kind of weird, but very pretty) for a Linger Longer (Joni will appreciate that) :), went to the beach, went to L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA), went to the Getty, saw Wicked!! (Kim, thank you, thank you again!), went to Al Gelato for yummy italian ice, went to the Norton Simon museum, went to the beach and came home to an amazingly clean and beautifully organized apt. thanks to Ambey!! (Still feel bad about that).

Sometimes I think seriously, how did I get so lucky to have such amazing family and friends!
I love you all!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


You know, I've always loved C.H.I.P.S, but not as much as when they're pulling me over! Today I got my first speeding ticket :( Such a bummer, was driving a wee bit over the speed limit and bam, before I knew it I looked in my rear view mirror thinking, "Oh, I feel so bad for them, they're getting pulled over" and then realized it was ME! I'm just mad that I wasn't able to talk him into even a warning. Oh well, I guess I should look at the bright side, b/c I'm actually shocked I haven't gotten one sooner.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eastern European Fling!

Hi Everyone! One of my April's resolutions and no this is not a joke is to stop procastinating, so this is my first stab at it. I've been meaning to get this blog up and going forever. So, I figured, better a month late than never! Had to share some pics and some fun stories about my recent trip. The middle of March I had the chance to go on one of the most amazing trips w/my sister Jen. We went to Croatia and Slovenia, with quick jaunts over to Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We had so much fun together and Jen was the greatest travel companion. Sometimes it amazes me how many beautiful places there are in the world, and so little time to see them :) Anyway, we had a great trip and enjoyed every minute of being the youngun's of the group, seriously we had atleast 30 years on everyone, but we really met the greatest people on our trip and had too much fun on our long bus rides criss crossing the country. here are a few select photo opps from our trip!