Friday, January 9, 2009

Feliz Ano Nuevo!!


Well, we got home from our trip a couple of days ago and after finally sleeping off the jet lag and unpacking, I can't believe it's over! I seriously felt so cut off from the world while on our trip. We didn't have the most consistent internet access, so while I missed talking to everyone more frequently, it was kind of a nice break from reality. Can I just say again how much I love South America? and for those who aren't as great of fans or have not yet had the chance to experience it, I cannot recommend it more highly. Even after having traveled many places, I still come back to it. To me, it's like this hidden treasure. It has the most beautiful culture, architecture, natural beauty, plus some of the most amazing people you'll ever meet.

So, just a quick recap of our trip: we started off in Santiago, Chile and then traveled south within the country to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar, Puerto Montt, Puerto Chacabuco and Punta Arenas, then we went to the Falkland Islands, Ushuaia, and Puerto Madryn, Argentina, Montevideo, Uruguay and lastly ending up for a few days in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Every place was so unique and beautiful, just wish my pictures could do it justice. A few of the highlights were seeing the penguins, watching the tango dancers and by far the best, seeing old friends.

One of my favorite quotes is by George Moore: "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it." I think that is so true, every time I fly home even after loving where I've been, I just feel so happy to be home and lucky to live in such a great country.

Happy New Year's!! Hope it's a happy, eventful year for everyone!!!


Team Fellows said...


Thanks for sharing all of your great pics from your trip. I'm so jealous. It sounds like you had a wonderful time and a much deserved break. We hope we get to see you soon.


Kammy T said...

Your pictures are gorgeous. It sounds like a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

kimmy!!!!!!! your trip looks like sooooo much fun!! i missed you soooo much at christmas!!! when my family and i went up to grandma's house, me and my mom were all ready for you to open the door and start singing "we wish you a merry christmas". but o well your christmas looks much more fun! when are you coming back out to visit again? we all miss you! luv ya lots!!

Kim P. Edwards said...

I'm so glad you posted about your trip! It looks like an amazing experience! Were those friends from your mission in on of the pics? I'm glad you are back in the U.S. Someday we need to make a trip to South America together. Maybe when we are retired. : )

catharooni said...

so glad you had that chance!! looks and sounds beautiful ...

Iris said...

I LOVE all of the pictures. It sounds like an amazing trip...and I love the quote at the true. I hope you had a wonderful time =)

Justin and Silvia said...

Sounds like an Awesome Trip. You guys went a lot of places.